The next retro game I'd like to share with you all who aren't yet familiar with the greatest roguelike of all times: Adom!
In the valley called Drakalor Chain there are all kinds of towns, providing shelter from the hostile surroundings. It's not very safe to roam in the wilderness because of roving barbarians, packs of predators and wandering necromancers. Chaos and corruption has turned the whole valley mad, so it's good to see somebody friendly once in a while in towns, which are also a source for quests, useful hints and shopping. Sooner or later you will leave the outside world behind and head towards the ultimate goal that lies very deep down in the caves.

I myself find this game very addictive. I envy everyone who haven't yet tried this game, because the unknown factor in this game makes the playing really intriguing. Therefore I must encourage you to try this game. The learning curve is pretty steep for roguelike newbies but it's definitely worth the learning! The game can also be really frustrating, because when you die you'll lose your saved game. Unless you "savescum" and copy your .svgs into another folder. That's something you should avoid, for it really ruins the idea of this game.
Get it!
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